There is a lot of chatter going on right now about QR Codes. If you're not familiar with QR codes, maybe take a minute and watch this quick demo video I put together.
If you're up to date on QR codes, then take a look at a number of ways various advertisers are using them. Note: all QR Codes are LIVE -- so if you have a QR reader on your phone, scan away. Just remember, I'm not responsible for what you find on the other end of the code, ok?
Wanna See My R-Rated Ads?
Fashion houses are always trying to push the envelope in their advertising. Always trying to be hip, cool and sometimes a tad dangerous.
Problem is, the TV censors are getting in the way of all the fun. Enter QR codes -- scan this one, located on a billboard in NYC supporting their Fall 2010 campaign.
Warning - you might want to make sure no one is around. Go ahead.. I won't tell. ;)
Will I like this wine?
Wine shopping is a tough gig. For most of us, wine is unapproachable and confusing. We might know the basics, but when confronted with a shelf of unfamiliar wine lables, we're left to wonder what we should get based on the drinking occassion or our personal tastes. But smart wineries are starting to use QR Codes to help take away the mystery and bring the sommelier right to the palm of your hand. Check out what Cellar Key offers and below, a video from adegga - a social wine discover site.
Dynamic Wine Labels from andrerib on Vimeo.
Mobile Coupon Anyone?
Reach is inserting QR codes into their magazine ads and using them to push mobile coupons. Very interesting but in my opinion they got greedy and that greed will lower the value of the effort. First, they don't push you directly to a coupon, you have to click through from a very nicely done mobile splash site. But then when you do click through to get your coupon, they ask you to register. That's like 3-steps to save $1.00? Bye-bye.
Hello Trailer
Fox ran a 9-page ad unit in the Fall Style Issue of US Weekly (my wife had it on the plane so stop typing the Twitter joke please) that was pushing their fall line-up. At the bottom of each ad was a QR Code.
Now I had to wait until the plane landed to play with the code but as suspected, each code took you to a mobile friendly site that granted you access to all kinds of content, storylines and special content that was only available here.
My only suggestion to make this approach stronger would have been to anticipate my REAL desire for scanning the code -- to see a trailer that would give me a better idea of what the show was about. While insider content is a great value to the FAN of the show, a better idea of what the show is like or about is far more valuable for a PROSPECT of the show. Had they linked these codes to sites that had a 3 min trailer front and center I would have said - 100% WIN for Fox. As it is, still darn solid effort IMHO and such a perfect integration of QR codes and mobile.
So that's my round-up of QR codes in action this week. What did you think? Have you seen any really good applications I missed? Wish I'd add to this line of thought? Let me know. That's what the comment section is for... ok?
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