Is it possible to create a video blog using nothing other than an iPhone?
Since January, I’ve been attempting to answer that question with a passion project — Talking With Tom.
A little background, I decided that in 2011, I wanted to interview 52 digital thought leaders and ask them all just one question — What’s Next? Then I’d publish each interview, one per week, and at the end of the year, I’d do a wrap up to see if there were any thought trends that emerged.
But wait, there’s more
And just to ensure I got maximum points from the Russian judge, I decided to do the entire thing from an iPhone. That’s right, each video is shot, edited and produced via an iPhone. And each post is written and published using the iPhone app from Posterous.
Why? Because I’d never done anything like this and it was a cool way to learn. And boy have I learned.
I’d classify that learning into two areas. First, I’ve discovered a bunch of cool tools to improve your iPhone videos. But I’ve also discovered a number of approaches that the successful iPhone video blogger could benefit from knowing. So here they are.
[Continue reading at Social Fresh - where I originally posted this]