There is too much crap in the world and we have social media theory to blame for a lot of it.
In their efforts to be internet famous, to amass armies of followers, likes and whatever, brands and bloggers have created a flywheel effect of crap.
So please stop.
I know all of the research that says you have to blog X times a week.
If you blog more you get more traffic, more readers, more followers, more...more...more.
Bloggers, especially of the inbound marketing type, will trot out their research that shows people and blogs that blog more frequently do better. Brands that blog more frequently get more leads, etc.
Those same bloggers will tell you that if you don't blog frequently you'll lose influence, traffic and such.
Don't believe it. Their research is based on a moment in time. Sure they examined 10,000 blog posts over 3 months or something... but that is simply a blink of content's eye.
Consumers have been and continue to consume episodic content in all channels including TV, radio, print, newspaper, and my personal favorite episodic example (because it's not published on any kind of regular schedule) books!
That's right people -- books. The ultimate non-regularly scheduled programming. We all know authors that continue book after book to draw old readers back and new readers in... for what?
That's right... for kick ass content that rewards the reader for their time and money.
So, please for the love of all that is holy and unholy.....
Stop writing crap just to meet a schedule or to follow someone's "system for success."
And for those of you that are sharing that same crap so you can "be active in social media" -- stop.
Seriously, before you share something try reading it and asking yourself if it's really worthy of sharing.
You're just ruining the very channel you profess to love. And you're really not active.
Running through a crowd of people yelling "hey look at this" without stopping long enough to respond to anyone, isn't active... it's just annoying.