Yep, we're moving on up... to the WordPress side... to a single blog over in the Converse Digital sky.
After almost three years of trying to maintain Positive Disruption and my Converse Digital (corporate) blog, I've decided to consolidate the activity over there.
I'll still be blogging here occassionally, but it will be more about stuff I just find cool, maybe some tech toys, and the occassional rant... but if you're reading here to learn more about any of this stuff:
- Digital Marketing Research
- B2B and B2C Sales Prospecting with Digital Tools
- Content Creation especially ways to make it more painless
- Email marketing
- How to integrate traditional and digital marketing
- or general Digital Marketing Strategy advice
You'll likely want to go over to Converse Digital and SUBSCRIBE to the blog.
BIG NOTE: If you subscribe to THIS BLOG via EMAIL, we've already ported you over, so you get to just do nothing. BUT if you're reading this post on the internet or via an RSS subscription, you're going to want to SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BLOG right away to keep the free goodness coming!
Here's a little taste of what we posted this morning:
So you just returned from a big trade-show or conference and now you’re wondering what to do with all of those business cards you collected.Start an email list. That’s right, before you connect with them on LinkedIn, follow them on Twitter or attempt to friend them on Facebook, send them an email. It’s the single, best, most powerful CRM tool ever invented and you’re crazy if you don’t invest more in it right now.
In fact, here is a simple 7-Step process to turn those business cards into behaviorally profiled business development targets that you can begin a conversation with today. Then over time, if you do it right, that conversation will turn into a customer.
As you can see, the focus of the new blog is going to be a lot tighter in terms of content buckets. But you know me -- intellectually ADD, so don't fret, if you're a fan of the purely cool, digital wow stuff -- I'll still be posting that here, just not as regularly.
But if you want to get the good, meaty, helpful marketing stuff -- you'll need to subscribe to the new blog.
As always, thanks for being here and I look forward to seeing you around... just not as often ;-)
photo credit: Steve Snodgrass
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