I can't tell you how excited I am to finally be able to tell everyone this incredible news -- my first book, The Invisible Sale is finally available on Amazon and B&N for pre-order. While the book won't actually publish until this October, you can make sure you're first in line to get this puppy when it comes off the printing presses. A recent BtoB Magazine survey of US B2B marketers found that in 2013, 60% of respondents cited generating more leads remained their top challenge. And an Ascend2 and Research Underwriters survey revealed that B2Bs continue to struggle with leveraging social media marketing for lead gen purposes with nearly half saying this was one of the most difficult strategies to execute. I don't find either of these stats surprising because I hear clients and prospects saying it every day. And that is why I've written The Invisible Sale.
Who Should Order The Invisible Sale?
Well if your company is one of those 60% that need help generating more leads or haven't yet figured out how to use Social Selling techniques... this book is for you. On a larger scale, if your B2B or B2C company sells a product or service via a sales force and wants to start leveraging digital selling techniques, then this book is going to be a must purchase for you and your team. Here's why. Today's digital savvy buyers are sophisticated and silent. They’re doing recon work on your brand, product or company -- searching for product reviews and tapping into social networks for recommendations and first-hand experiences. These invisible buyers are slipping past your sales team, stepping out of the shadows only after they’ve decided that your company is in the running for their dollars.
To court the invisible buyer, your prospecting process needs to be digitally powered and deeply rooted in the science of relationships. You'll have to coordinate communications outposts, digital embassies and your own relationship hub to earn the business of these invisible buyers. A relationship-based approach is key to moving your sales strategy from top-of-mind awareness to the more powerful top-of-mind-preference and winning the elusive invisible sale.In the book I reveal the techniques I have refined over 20 years of developing sales and marketing programs for myself and my clients. I'm sharing the techniques I've used to drive consistent double-digit growth in my own company without doing any cold-calling or paid advertising. And I'm not writing this book at some 30,000 foot theory level. This book is a tool not a trophy. It's a field guide for anyone that wants to understand the brave new digitally powered world of the self-educating buyer. I'm boiling everything down to simple, straightforward, and understandable language — and actionable solutions.
What Does The Book Cover?
The book is broken down into four sections, each designed to help you move your company one step closer to a world of painless prospecting...
Click here to read the rest of this post on my new blog, ConverseDigital.com.
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